Central Arizona Irrigation & Drainage District
Central Arizona Irrigation & Drainage District (CAIDD) was formed in 1996 and is located in and around Eloy, Arizona. CAIDD is composed of 87,586 acres. CAIDD’s water is supplied by district operational wells and the Central Arizona Project (CAP). In 1990, CAIDD took over operation and maintenance of privately owned wells by 40-year leases. As a result of the operation of groundwater wells, water co-mingling has been available since 1987.
There are five power suppliers whose service areas all fall within this District. These are Electrical Districts, 2, 4, and 5 as well as the San Carlos Irrigation Project and Arizona Public Service. CAIDD has approximately 223 miles of lined canals with 246 deliveries. Out of the district’s 27 mains and lateral canals; 12 are fully automated.
Annual water use for 2006 was 235,376 AF, in 2007 rose to 276,756 AF, and through April of 2008 water use has been 93,553 AF which is ahead of schedule in comparison to the previous years.
On-Call General Engineering Services
GEORGE CAIRO ENGINEERING, INC. (GCE) is currently serving as the District Engineer and we also provide support on related technical services including the development of District Standards on an on-call as needed basis. GCE also supports the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District (CAIDD) in their management of urbanization impacts inclusive of permitting, planning, design, and construction services efforts. All relocations or modifications to the Districts facilities due to development and urbanization are designed by GCE. In addition, impacts to the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District's operations and maintenance are evaluated, and construction inspections are performed to ensure compliance with plans and specifications.
Further GCE is responsible for the coordination and due diligence for the United States Bureau of Reclamation review and permitting approval process for impacts to federally owned interest. GCE developed collaboratively with the District a permitting and federal due diligence review and assistance program. Relocations or modifications to the Districts facilities due to development and urbanization are reviewed by GCE for compliance with federal permitting requirements for acquisition, abandonment, relocation and or facilities modification.
Representative GCE projects completed for the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District include the following:
- Standard Details and District Manager Specifications
- Management of District Facility Crossings
- Robson Ranch Development
- Phillip Farms Development
- Red Rock - Park Link Connector Crossing
- Robson Ranch Mining Equipment Crossing
- Qwest Robson Ranch
Map of District
Click here to see a map of this district
George J. Cairo, P.E., D.WRE
1630 South Stapley Drive
Stapley Center, Suite 117
Mesa, Arizona 85204
480.921.4087 (Fax)
602.690.6661 (Cell)
Ron McEachern, General Manager
Central Arizona Irrigation & Drainage District
P.O. Box 605
Eloy, AZ 85231
District Website
If you have further questions, comments or concerns regarding this district please click here to visit their website.