Gila River Indian Community

The Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) is an Indian reservation located in south central Arizona. It borders the south side of the city of Phoenix and stretches into Pinal and Maricopa County. The reservation has a land area of approximately 372,000acres square miles. It is made up of seven districts along the Gila River and its largest communities are Sacaton, Komatke, Santan, and Blackwater. The Community is home for members of both the Akimel O'odham (Pima) and the Pee-Posh (Maricopa) tribes. The Community operates its own telecom company, electric utility, healthcare clinic, and three industrial parks. The Community is dedicated to increasing and diversifying its industrial, retail, recreational and agricultural base and continues to experience economic development through gaming.


On-Call General Engineering Services

GEORGE CAIRO ENGINEERING, INC. (GCE) has worked on various projects for the Gila River Indian Community. Past projects include general civil design and planning and development projects. GCE has worked with multiple departments within the Gila River Indian Community and had developed a good working relationship with these departments. GCE has an on-call general engineering services history with the Gila River Indian Community and is familiar with the approval process and tribal council. GCE projects for GRIC include the following:

  • Retention Basin Parks, Tribal Projects Development
  • Tribal Projects Development (TPD) - District 4 ADOT SR-587 Improvements
  • Tribal Projects Development (TPD) - George Webb Village Subdivision
  • Tribal Projects Development (TPD) - Residential Subdivision Development, District 4

Map of District



George J. Cairo, P.E., D.WRE
1630 South Stapley Drive
Stapley Center, Suite 117
Mesa, Arizona 85204
480.921.4087 (Fax)
602.690.6661 (Cell)

Brandi Ogle, Business Manager
San Carlos Irrigation & Drainage District
P.O. Box 218
Coolidge, AZ 85228

District Website

If you have further questions, comments or concerns regarding this district please click here to visit their website.